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Michela Orticello

PhD Students

PhD student


Research Interests

Michela is a very motivated and goal-oriented person with a keen interest in learning how “the minimal living unit”, the cell, works, adapts, survives, reacts and regulates itself. The fascinating role of scientists is to interpret and disclose the main regulatory mechanisms (especially epigenetic mechanisms that are reversible and not impacting on the DNA original sequence of genes) associated to different cell behaviours and diseases compromising in particular the brain functioning. The two main mechanisms she will be focusing her research are DNA methylation and linker histones novel functions. It is very well known based on scientific evidence that the chemical modification occurring at the level of the DNA and known as DNA methylation, is one of the most stringent hallmark in cell transformation and tumorigenesis, mainly due to its mutagenic potential. Several recent papers claim that DNA methylation and linker histones are intertwined in regulating several crucial pathways implying precise and massive re-arrangement of the genetic material, among which cell specification or differentiation. The basic knowledge regarding chromatin structure, DNA organization, histone modifications and in particular the emerging roles of linker histones variants in the regulation of differentiation, neurogenesis and cancer needs to be leveraged to eventually build up a robust platform for more translational studies.  


BSc in Biological Science, Sapienza University, Italy

MSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Sapienza University, Italy

Professional Profile

Michela is an Italian student with passion for Epigenetic, brain organoids, neurodegeneration and neurodevelopment. On top of that, travelling and knowing different cultures is a great source of motivation. She graduated in Biological Science for the Bachelor’s thesis at Sapienza University in Italy and for the Master she has challenged herself with a one of its kind, international master programme in Genetics and Molecular Biology completely provided in the universal scientific language, English, for the first time at Sapienza University. This allowed Michela to combine the passion for the scientific topics and the English language, also providing access to a more international environment. KAUST has been for these reasons the ideal destination where accomplishing PhD studies and perform Science at the very cutting-edge level.