Amin Guo

Postdoctoral Fellows

PostDoctoral Fellow, Bioscience


Research Interests

Amin is interested in exploring the morphological changes of chromatin in different states using high-resolution imaging methods. In particular, she hopes to realize the visualization of chromatin structure in the wild state and mutated state without chemical cross-linking.


BS: Changchun University of Science and Technology, China

MS: ShanghaiTech University, China

PhD: ShanghaiTech University, China

Professional Profile

Amin completed her master's and PhD in biological imaging at ShanghaiTech University. During her PhD, she characterized the pathway of insulin synthesis, aggregation, and secretion in pancreatic β cells and conducted high-resolution three-dimensional imaging of insulin vesicles. Additionally, she developed high-resolution imaging and quantitative analysis methods for intracellular nanoparticles using breast cancer cells as models. Now, Amin is continuing her research as a postdoctoral fellow at the Chromatin Biochemistry Lab and aims to explore the morphological changes of chromatin in different states using high-resolution imaging methods. In particular, she hopes to use C. elegans embryo as a research model to realize the visualization of chromatin structure in the wild state and mutated state without chemical cross-linking.